Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Validity of Research Based Book on Isolation, Amplification, and Visualization Material for Biotechnology Course in Higher Education
Abstract View: 160, pdf Download: 134 -
Effect of BAP (6-Benzyl Amino Purine) and NAA (Naphtalen Acetic Acid) on the Induction of Axillary Shoots in Sandalwood (Santalum album L.)
Abstract View: 173, pdf Download: 182 -
Validity of Computer Based Learning Media to Improve Junior High School Students' Learning Outcomes on Ecosystem Topics
Abstract View: 491, pdf Download: 253 -
Comparison of The Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students Utilizing Audio-Visual and Chart Learning Media to Study Ecosystem
Abstract View: 694, pdf Download: 581 -
Validity of Biology Practicum Guidebook based on Science Literature for High School Class XI Students
Abstract View: 123, pdf Download: 116 -
Economic Growth Improvement Strategies with Infrastructure Investment Approach in Situbondo District
Abstract View: 102, pdf Download: 88 -
Production of Liquid Compost with EM4 Bio Activator Volume Variation from Vegetable and Fruit Waste
Abstract View: 583, pdf Download: 742